
Camelot Park Meeting 26 October 2012 - 3 PM

Follow up of the 2 meetings below

Attended by:
Justin (Parks Manager)
Yvonne, Barbara and Mogens (local residents)

Justin explained how the drainage work of the south-eastern corner of the dog enclosure and walking track is being done. The work begins Monday 29 Oct 2012 and should only take 3-4 days. At the same time the gate in the south-eastern corner is being moved to the middle of the southern fence.


Camelot Park Meeting 8 October 2012 - 4 PM

Follow up of the meeting below

Attended by: 
Cr Lisa Bradley
Chris and Justin (Parks Managers) 
Yvonne, Barbara and Mogens (local residents)


Camelot Park Meeting 5 July 2012

Attended by:
Chris (Parks Manager)
Yvonne, Barbara and Mogens (local residents)

Minutes / Outcome by Chris

Mulching of existing Trees
It explained that the extent of mulching was to the drip line (outer edge of the canopy) to facilitate optimum soil moisture retention, compost and general growing conditions for the trees
Emerging weeds/grassed will be sprayed
Yvonne suggested that it would be better if the mulch was pulled back at least one metre from the edge of the fence line to facilitate park visitors standing outside talking/observing to Dog off Leash Area (DOLA) users (you reported that people often walk over to chat without coming into the DOLA)
I will investigate if this is feasible and advise.

Contractors Littering
Barbara reported that the mowing contractors were recently observed littering as they stood by their trucks. This was after they had completed mowing the park. Barbara kindly collected & disposed of the litter once they had left.
I will request that this incident be addressed with our contractor as the behaviour is unacceptable.

Drainage through the DOLA
There is a natural drainage line that appears to cross the DOLA diagonally (from NW to SE)
This means that the pedestrian gate at the SE corner is often muddy and difficult to open/close as a result of concentrated moisture, and the adjacent pathway often has water flowing across it
Coarse sand needs to be used to top-dress wet areas instead of fine sand which doesn't drain well and has been slippery
I will request our Park Facilities Team to investigate

1) relocating the gate further west (at least half way along) with a pathway extension of the main route and

2) constructing the adjacent pathway with culverts to facilitate drainage under the pavement instead of across the walkway.

Park Furniture in DOLA
It was noted that the angular steel supports of the shaded seats are dangerous for dogs the run & hide under the seats (can hit/cut the heads)
Dogs has been observed running into the timber platform seat when new to the DOLA. It is thought that the green colour used to paint the platform makes it difficult for them to see easily and avoid.

The bare timber agility structures are also difficult for dogs to distinguish (again, dogs have been observed running into these while playing) and some owners are getting splinters touching the timber
I will request our Park Facilities Team to investigate.

1) sanding & re-painting the timber items with a bright/contrasting colour and

2) fitting a protective barrier to the steel supports at the base of the shaded seat.

Tree Planting in Small DOLA
Yvonne mentioned that there was to be another tree planted in the small DOLA
Yvonne was interested in the species of trees recently planted around the DOLA
I will seek an update from our trees team and advise.

As I mentioned last week, we will endeavour to make a greater effort to engage with our community of park users before undertaking significant works to ensure that the intent is clear and works are supported.

Meeting 26 JUN 2012 cancelled due to rain.

Rescheduled for

Thursday 5 JUL 2012 at 4:00 PM

Camelot Park Meeting 5 JUL 2012 at 4:00 PM

(at the main entrance from Camelot Street)


Maintenance of Camelot Park (wood chips)

Attendees will be:
Cr Lisa Bradley
Representative(s) from park administration

Local residents are invited to attend the meeting

Meeting 11 APR 2012 at 3:30 PM

Attended by:
Lisa Bradley (CR)
Justin and Doreen from Logan Park Admin
Yvonne, Barbara, Ian and Mogens (local residents)

Drainage of the dog enclosures and walkway by “repairing” the drain in the south-eastern corner of the park
Lighting of the walkway in Camelot Park
More Trees on the northern side of the little dog enclosure
Repairing / fixing fence ties (has been fixed)
Coarse river sand to help draining of the dog enclosures
Mowing the grass includes sweeping / blowing the walkway
Ring-barking of the trees with whipper snippers

Community Meeting (cancelled):
A meeting has been arranged with Lisa Bradley, park officers and community members at Camelot Park on Wednesday 28th March at 3:30 pm. Please come to the meeting with your concerns regarding the parks in the area: Akers Park, Arlington Park, Barton Park and Camelot Park. Meeting cancelled and a new meeting scheduled for 11 APR 2012 at 3:30 PM.

Dog Get-together:

Every afternoon between 4 and 6 PM (in the summer) many locals are getting together with their dogs. In winter most people are there from 3-5 PM.

Link: Meet the Dogs of Camelot Park

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