
2014 September 1 - Grass mowed - 13 weeks since the previous mowing.
2014 June 2 - Grass mowed - 4 weeks since the previous mowing.
2014 May 5 - Grass mowed - 4 weeks since the previous mowing.
2014 April 7 - Grass mowed - 4 weeks since the previous mowing.
2014 March 10 - Grass mowed - 7 weeks since the previous mowing.

2014 January 20 - Grass mowed - 4 weeks since the previous mowing.
2013 December 23 - Grass mowed - 2 weeks since the previous mowing.

2013 December 9 - Grass mowed - 5 weeks since the previous mowing.
2013 November 4 - Grass mowed - 12 weeks since the previous mowing.
2013 August 19 - Grass mowed - 8 weeks since the previous mowing.

2013 August 16 - Tree Loping and pruning. Tidying up after the Easter Storms.

2013 June 25 - Grass mowed - 4 weeks since the previous mowing.
2013 May 27 - Grass mowed - 3 weeks since the previous mowing.
2013 April 29 - Grass mowed - 4 weeks since the previous mowing.
2013 April 8 - Grass mowed - 2 weeks since the previous mowing.

2013 March 22- Grass mowed - 2 weeks since the previous mowing.
2013 March 7- Grass mowed, finished March 14 - 4 weeks since the previous mowing.
2013 February 7- Grass mowed - 2 weeks since the previous mowing.
2013 February 3 - Tidying up after the heavy rain and wind gust.
2013 January 31 - Grass mowed - 7 weeks since the previous mowing.
2012 December 12 - Grass mowed - 2 weeks since the previous mowing.
2012 November 26 - Grass mowed - 3 weeks since the previous mowing.
2012 November 05 - Grass mowed - 7 weeks since the previous mowing.

Tree planting is scheduled for the 14 October 2012

8 AM to 10 AM 



First two areas in the northern end of the walkway in Camelot Park were outlined with yellow dots. Some weeks later the areas within the dots were painted red. One day a truck delivered wood chips / mulch in two piles. A week after the two piles were spread in the two rectangular areas. 4 visits to the park!

2012 September 17 - Grass mowed - 12 weeks (almost 3 months) since the previous mowing.

August 30 - As a result of the Camelot Park Meeting on the 5th of July 2012 the angular steel supports (T shaped) were removed from underneath the dog grooming tables (shaded seats) and replaced with flat brackets (- shaped). Unfortunately the bolts haven't been dipped into the brackets.

2012 June 26 - Grass mowed (4 weeks since the previous mowing).

June 16 - On a Saturday some whipper snipping was done so that the gates to the dog enclosures could open and close.

June 1 - Wood-chips spread around the tree stems in the south-western corner of the park.

2012 May 29 and May 30 - The grass was mowed and the walkway was cleaned! 6 weeks between two mowings!

May 24 - Requested the grass to be mowed as the black grass is about 1 m tall (5 weeks since the previous mowing). Customer request number: 2104312.

2012 Apr 17 - Grass mowed (4 weeks since the previous mowing).

2012 Mar 22 and Mar 23 - The grass was mowed. Not the best job ever!

Mar 9, 2012 08:16 PM - Temporary fix to drain the south-eastern corner of the walkway and the big dog enclosure.

Mar 6, 2012 03:57 PM - The Council planted 7 trees for shade on the eastern side between the dog enclosure and the walkway.

2012 Feb 21, 2012 07:54 PM -The Park mowed. The schedule is every 3-5 weeks.





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